A one size fits all outdoor decking solution!
25th Jul 2024A One Size Fits All Outdoor Decking Solution!
It is often said you cannot find a “one size fits all” approach, but that is not the case when it comes to Outdure – outdoor decking products and systems for commercial and residential outdoor spaces.
The versatility of Outdure’s ranges is illustrated in these diverse project types all featuring Outdure’s QwickBuild aluminium framing system. Also referred to as an ‘exterior flooring system’, QwickBuild it is the only solution available that supports multiple surfaces (decking, tiles, turf) with multiple height capabilities (<100m – 3m+) over multiple substrates (waterproofing, concrete, ground).
Child Care Centre – ResortDeck on QwickBuild
The installation for the outdoor decking area would have been challenging due to the substrate being approx half concrete and half dirt. QwickBuild was ideal as the builders could use it on both the footings and stirrups over the ground area and the pedestals over the concrete.
The design included framing around the landscaping rocks for the sandpits – this was made easier by filet cuts in the aluminium profiles to create the curves whilst retaining structural integrity.
Multiple options of outdoor decking, pavers, turf can be installed on QwickBuild but for this project, Outdure’s ResortDeck Havana Boards were fastened onto the system using concealed TwistClips to hold the boards in place onto the QwickBuild 45×45 profile, used for both the joist and bearers.
The profile size is determined by the height restrictions and the span requirements, patented joist anchors are used for the bearer connections and 90° Brackets for the joist connections.
Aged Care – Turf on QwickBuild
If a rooftop deck or balcony design features synthetic grass or turf, factors such as drainage, the weight of the infill, and preserving the waterproofing must be considered.
An easy, low-risk solution is to install the turf onto QwickBuild using aluminium turf baseboards fixed to the joists. Because QwickBuild is essentially a ‘floating system’ it does not penetrate or compromise the watertight membrane.
The use of synthetic turf/grass is popular for recreational spaces at aged care facilities, where the turf is integrated with outdoor decking and tiles all on a level flush-finish; safe and convenient for residents.
Ryman Healthcare has also adopted the system in a truly innovative way at numerous sites, constructing lawn bowl greens over various podiums such as car park roofs.
QwickBuild turf baseboards are compatible with Outdure’s FIFA certified, non-toxic UltraPlush turf range or independent brands.
For turf installations over natural ground, as shown in the renovated University Precinct; the benefits of turf on QwickBuild include minimised earthworks (digging, back-filling, or surface levelling) and, because the system components can be cut to size and are lightweight, the challenge of access and handling is also solved.
When you think of outdoor decking you don’t always think of turf or tiles…
Apartment Rooftop Balcony – Tiles on QwickBuild
In just 18m2, this outdoor living space is multi-functional and maximises the city views. The split-level tile deck combines ResortDeck SeaSalt boards for the seating, Outdure Mineral tiles for the flooring all supported on QwickBuild using the 135×45, 45×45, 28×45 joist-bearer profiles for the various heights and span requirements, ensuring a moisture-proof solution for installing over waterproofing.
Residential Property – Hardwood on QwickBuild
For deck areas this close to the ground it makes sense to use a moisture-proof structure to keep your outdoor area year after year. In the case of this award-winning home hardwood timber was selected for the low height decks and also for around the pool area. The QwickBuild profiles have been designed with a flat edge to make top fixing of hardwood super fast and efficient. Composite decking without a grooved edge to fit TwistClips can also be installed this way.
Also pictured are a selection of close-ups and combinations of surfaces on QwickBuild, including QwickGrates to promote ventilation and enable access to services under the structure + the QwickBuild AntiSlip strip profile, an innovation which can be integrated with surfaces (shown with ResortDeck) to enhance slip resistance, perfect for ramps!
To find out more about how Outdure products make it easy to create functional, low maintenance, outdoor decking and alfresco spaces that look great year after year…
Call 0800 77 88 77 or 1800 722 465 or simply email your plans/dimensions to info@outdure.com to receive frame, surface and price options to suit your requirements